I've been taking the background on this blog, mainly because it was Nanc's story, Nanc's journey, and Nanc's past. Now that is completely resolved, but sure enough, another dragon raised its head.
This one's on me. It's the ongoing saga of the tragic breakup of my first family, my ex-wife's duplicity, the insane bureaucracy and avarice of the California Family Support division and the Alameda County District Attorney's office. British Columbia's Family Maintenance Enforcement Program, AKA: FMEP plays a major role by their blind enforcement of an illegal order from California, one that was proved to a B.C. Judge's satisfaction to be improperly obtained, unjust, unfair, and unenforceable in B.C.. Yet FMEP continues on, periodically. I say the last bit, because I have attempted to satisfy FMEP several times, and explained the legal issue several times, but they keep coming back. Probably with each new generation of eager young enforcers out to make a name in the organisation.
Nanc's story was that of a battered woman who fought back against the forces trying to push her into exmarital oblivion with as little justice and compensation as possible.
Mine is the man's version of systemic injustice in a marital break up. I will tell you how my children were legally taken away from me during the divorce process, and how I was denied any real access to them. I will tell you all about how the "system" of family justice in two jurisdictions with incompatible laws, supports each other and enforces issues involving money, but NOT any issues of custody, visitation, or even contact. I will expose some of the techniques California uses to make sure that a father NEVER stops having to pay.
I am 55 years old this year. My kids are now 25, 27, and 28. Two of them served in Iraq with the U.S. Army. FMEP just garnished my wages and put a lien on my car. They have been taking my tax returns and GST rebates for decades. I've had enough. It's time for one man to stand up and break the reciprocal agreement between B.C. and California. My case will do it. There is just too much wrong in what has been done.
Here we go, I will be posting a chronology of events and a list of the legal issues on point.
Meus Verum is David Oliver-Godric
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